Friday, September 17, 2010

Tulsa to Oklahoma City, OK

This morning we were treated with a pancake breakfast at Myers-Duren Harley Davidson.  Again unbelievable!  20% off at the store and my size for rain gear was a perfect match I thought! 
Everyone headed downtown to our photo opportunity! The place of our photo was at the Cyrus Avery Route 66 Memorial Bridge where most historians say that this is the spot that east meets west in America.  When they announced to stake out your spot I made sure I was up front so I could find myself later on.  To our surprise they also did a group photo of the ladies that drove their Harley’s too.  I think the smile didn’t come off my face for the rest of the day!  That was too cool and a very special touch to all the ladies that drove their own Harley on Route 66.
From Tulsa we headed down Route 66 past Sapulpa, Kellyville, and on to Bristow where there was another giant penguin (we didn’t stop) at the Chrysler Dealer.  We totally missed the “shoe tree” but apparently it was split in half and is going to be removed.  From Bristow  we headed to Stroud where the “Rock Cafe” was located prior to it burning down in 2008. 
Then off to Chandler where the Route 66 Interpretive Centre offers half hour tours for $3.00.  Also in Chandler is the famous author/artist “Jerry McClanahan has the “McJerry’s Route 66 Gallery” where Jerry signed our “EZ Route 55 Guide” only after, of course, we signed his guest book!  Jerry is seen in this picture with some Barbie dolls!  Some of the ladies are taking these Barbie’s everywhere we go and taking pictures of them doing different things – different for sure but it seems to be the thing to do – but don’t worry you won’t see me doing that!
Leaving Chandler we travelled through Wellston, Luther and then to Arcadia where we stopped at the “1898 Round Barn”.  Again we had to sign the book!  I did buy some Route 66 earrings. 
Leaving Arcadia we found  the next giant – “Pop Bottle” at Pops.  We had a coupon for a free pop from a selection of only 500 different kinds of pop.  The store itself was very impressive – pop bottles lined up on glass shelving against glass walls.  It was nice to get out of the heat and have some refreshment as it was 94 degrees out!  How am I going to survive Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California in that kind of heat!
After Pops we headed into Oklahoma City where we stopped at the Tourist Information Booth to find out the best time to go downtown is after six o’clock so we miss the traffic.  So we headed to the motel to get refreshed and headed to the Harley Dealership for supper.  They pulled out all the stops again for us, special parking, pictures taken as we entered the parking lot on our bikes, a band, choice of pizza, sub, wraps or sausage with chips and water or pop for supper.  While we were in the store checking out all the items a bell was rung – this means someone just bought a bike – well it happened twice while we were there!  Cool – two more new Harley owners!  Their lives will never be the same!
After supper we headed downtown to check out the Oklahoma City National Memorial which honours the 168 victims of the “Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building” bombing of 1995.  How can one human do something like that to so many innocent people??  The memorial is very tastefully done.  However, being there really makes you realize how horrific this must have been for all the people not only killed or injured in the blast but all the other people who worked downtown at the time.  To know something like that could happen in the middle of downtown is shocking.
Tomorrow is Oklahoma State Fair and that should be fun – perhaps just a little bigger than the Cobden Fair!  We all have tickets to the Marshall Tucker Band.  Should be fun!  Breakfast at 7:30 am though downtown Oklahoma City – I am not sure about that one – we shall see in the morning!
Mileage to Date:  Yesterday and today 597.5 km and 3,244.6 km overall.

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