Monday, September 27, 2010

The Road Home - Part 1 and 2

First off I need to apologize for not posting last night!  I arrived in Las Vegas along with my Miles who was kind enough to allow me to tag along behind him.  Miles was lucky he had a complimentary room at Ceasers Palace!  And me across the road at the Imperial Palace (let us just say I was just a little bit jealous of his accommodations!).  Oh well it is a bed and a shower - which these days is all I need - oh yes and my bike of course! 

We decided to go to the show "Legends" and it was very good.  The entertainers impersonated Elton John, Donna Summer, Faith Hill, Tim McGraw, Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley.  It was definitely entertaining and filled our early evening perfectly.  When arriving back at my hotel room - I was absolutely exhausted and went to sleep right away - well not perfectly but did not have the energy to blog.

We departed this morning at 6:00 a.m. - wow that meant I was up at five!  I know some of you just won't believe it and don't ever count on it happening unless it is to go riding!  We travelled almost 600 miles today and arrived in Glenwood Springs, Colorado.  Travelling through four states (Nevada, Arizona, Utah and finally into Colorado) and one time zone is exhausting!  And yes today my butt is sore (might be from all the walking around yesterday though as well as the riding today). 

There was a forest fire along the way that has been  burning since July!  The smoke we could see from miles away.  Once we passed the fire the glow from the sky was very weird - it gave off a reddish orange glow!  We travelled through areas called Death Valley.  Obviously there is a story behind this name "Death Valley" - I am sure that years ago you were luck to survive this area!  Desolate, desert is all I can say!  We saw a lot of rock and desert for miles.  The rock was different colors in different areas, red, white, brown, and grey!  Very interesting.  The formations were incredible.  Riding through the mountains was certainly fun - going up and down the hills, around the corners and through the mountains at times.  Just what every rider loves to do.

Any way I will sign out as we are heading out early again tomorrow as we are both anxious to get home as soon as possible.

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