Thursday, September 16, 2010

Springfield, MO through Kansas to Catoosa, OK

Leaving Springfield, MO which we didn’t get to see much of due to the downpour the night before.  Everyone who could park under the overhang at the hotel to protect our bikes in the event of hail.  This morning the bikes were all fine – just a little wet but the hotel provided towels for drying our bikes which was much appreciated.
Back onto Route 66 we headed towards Halltown where a great antique store full of items and a gentleman with a huge smile as he saw all the Harley’s pulling in.  These store owners are very funny – they absolutely do not push their wares but boy oh boy do they want you to sign their guest book!  And usually they have a hot pot of coffee on, a snack and bottled water for all bikers going through.  It is great – all for a donation (only if you want).  Talk about great customer service as they probably make more money from the donations than they do from the trinkets that they sell.
Another stop well worth it is the old Gas Station "Sinclair" where again the owner was amazing - just letting everyone come and go - take pictures - get behind the counter and run the phone!  Donuts, water and coffee were all ready to go as he was expecting us!  Stop by and have a visit he loves the company and was able to accommodate all of us.  It is so nice travelling with a great big group - we all just offer to take pictures of each other along the way so we can have some great memories to look back on.

Not too far down the road from Halltown is Paris Springs where a gas station was named after the builders’ wife, “Spencer”.  While there we came across three motor homes that were rented by some great people from Denmark.  They certainly enjoyed seeing all of the Harley’s pulling in and driving past.  Their cameras were clicking away!
Back on the road we headed through Carthage, Carterville, Webb City, and finally through Joplin before we entered Kansas on an old road that headed into “Galena”.  This little town was full of life this afternoon as everyone stopped to get a picture of the famous “Mater” character in front of the restaurant “4 Women on The Route”.  One of the owners was busy entertaining everyone by telling them the story of how “Mater” came to be in front of her restaurant and gift shop.   Originally sold to a farmer until it was pointed out in a newspaper article that the character “Mater” was based on this particular tow truck.  Well it wasn’t long before “Mater” was bought back and placed strategically in front of this particular “gas station/restaurant/gift shop” as it was also featured in the movie as well.  The owner was very friendly – nicknamed “mouth” and I can’t imagine why!  Again – “don’t forget to sign the guest book”.  Hamburgers were awesome! And yes that is me - driving "Mater".
The last little town before leaving Kansas was Baxter Springs where in 1876 Jesse James robbed their bank.  Entering Oklahoma we travelled through Quapaw and into Commerce which was the “hometown of Mickey Mantle”.  There we stopped for a picture opportunity of the statue in front of the ball diamond that was named after Mickey’s dad – “Mutt Mantle Field”.    We stopped for an ice cream at the “Dairy King” and at $0.95 for a soft cone it is well worth the stop.  And yet again the owner almost forgot to let us pay for the cones as he wanted to make sure we saw pictures of the before and after of his humble abode and yes, “sign the guest book”!
Next onto Miami – pronounced “My-am-uh”.  A "Vintage Motorcycle Museum" is in Miami and a great exhibit all for free - donations accepted.  Then through Afton down a half gravel - half cement road for 3 miles (old Route 66 preserved!!) and then through Narcissa where we passed a buffalo ranch.  Then to Vinita where “Dead Man’s Corner” which is a 90 degree corner with no stop sign or any real signage to let you know that the corner is that sharp.  All was well with all the bikes as they all made it around “Dead Man’s Corner” alive!  We then drove onward through White Oak, Chelsea and Foyil where there is a “Totem Pole Park” where all the totem poles are made of concrete.  This is the site of the “World’s LARGEST Totem Pole (90 feet)”.  I am not convinced that this is true as I know there are some very large totem poles in British Columbia but if the sign says it is – then it must be – right?
Driving into Catoosa you will find on the right hand side a ``blue whale`` where of course it is so tacky it is absolutely great.  So picture opportunity of course was had by all.  Finally we arrived at our destination for the evening at the `Hard Rock Hotel and Casino`` where again we were given the royal treatment.  Our parking area was reserved for us on the 4th floor of the parking garage which was barricaded off so all bikes could be parked together and security guards were stationed in the parking garage to allow us to have a worry free night! 
Tomorrow well again the royal treatment as a street downtown will be blocked off to allow just our Harley`s in for a photo opportunity on a major downtown street.  However, we have to be in and out in a short period of time – so it should be interesting!
Again I forgot to mark the mileage down before heading to my room – which is absolutely amazing!  But I will mark it in the morning and update it later tomorrow.

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