Sunday, September 12, 2010

Start of Route 66

This morning we were entertained at breakfast by Michael and Suzanne Wallis, author of "Route 66: The Mother Road". Michael was also very involved in the movie "Cars" as the voice of the Sheriff and also provided his unlimited knowledge of Route 66 for the movie. A true story teller and expert of Route 66. This speech certainly inspired all of us bikers on the start of the Route! Check out a story on line at Michael Wallis's website. You will certainly hear his booming voice as he tells a tale of Route 66.  

The group that I rode with yesterday decided to start the ride today and went on to see several stops that I will see tomorrow. I wanted to head one more time downtown to see the start of Route 66 after such an inspirational speech. So I headed towards downtown Chicago and low and behold a fellow biker pulled up beside me about 20 minutes out and he (Tom from Colorado) was heading downtown as well so I asked if I could join him.

We went to the Wallis Tower (Sears Tower) and it was truly amazing. The view from up there was worth the parking expense downtown and the cost to go up 103 stories. The tower now has a viewing deck that juts out of the building and boy oh boy my foot wanted to step on but my brain was having a hard time letting me put my foot down on what appeared to be empty space. Very scary looking down 103 stories.

The next stop was Lou Mitchell's Restaurant which is an institution recognized all over the world.  This restaurant dates back to 1958 and is still a must see in Chicago.  You will notice under the lamp post a sign which is a Route 66 sign.  We enjoyed our lunch and then headed towards the start (end) of Route 66.  The start sign has been removed due to construction which is really unfortunate as I am sure Chicago hasn't seen so many Harley Davidson riders going around in circles looking for the famous sign in order to get a picture of the start of our journey. 

We were able to find the end sign of Route 66 and just pulled over and took our pictures!  We tried to follow the Route back to the Chi Town Harley Davidson Dealership but due to construction downtown we were unable to follow it all the way. 

The next item on the agenda was attending the Dealer Party at Chi Town Harley Davidson.  The dealership was open especially for our group and I am sure that we more than compensated them for their efforts!  Supper and refreshments were served up in fashion.  The HOG Chapter room upstairs at the dealership is unbelievable.  Kitchen, meeting room, pictures all over the walls with all their HOG events posted.  In our dreams back home!

One of the bikers (Jim) I met has tattoos all over his arms and back symbolizing Route 66.  It took the tattoo artist 18 months to complete the dream that he had.  A full day of tattooing every week for 18 months.  Obviously a passion he had about Route 66.  His wife Robin gets very tired of "superstar" stature.  But who can resist talking to him and asking him his story.  The color on the tattoos is unbelievable.  I have attached one of many pictures Jim was posing for during a photo shot of the official photographers of our ride that I just happened along at the right time!

As you can tell the stories and the people I am meeting along this journey are truly amazing.  I can't wait to meet many more and see so many more icons of Route 66. 

Mileage to Date:  148 km today and 1647.8 km overall.


  1. Hey Charlene - It was a pleasure meeting you at the dealership yesterday and I look forward to making some memories together before the end of our journey!!! Rock on - Lady Fred

  2. Hey Charlene: Great following you on your journey. Your blogs are my first read every morning. So keep them coming. Love the pictures also.
