Saturday, September 25, 2010

Kingman, AZ to Ontario, CA

This morning I decided it was time to change riding partners.  I got up to meet the crew for 7:00 am!  Yes it is true - I had breakfast and packed the bike and was on the road meeting them at 7:00 am.  There is not too many things I would do that early in the morning but obviously biking is one of them! 

We headed out on Route 66 and it wasn't long before we were heading up the mountains!  Wow - scary and fun all at the same time!  The corners were more than 180 degrees as the wrapped back around going up and going down.  At times I was thinking that I should not have eaten breakfast!  There were no guard rails - nothing just follow the yellow painted road and stay on the road!  When you are heading up the mountain and all you see on one side is rock and straight ahead you see nothing but the yellow line curving to the left it is so scary it isn't even funny anymore.  WOW.  We stopped near the top and took pictures and I am sure my legs and arms were shaking from fear and relief to know that I had reached the top.  Now to get down!  The same thing going down but harder as the hair pin turns seem to be tighter and you have to make sure that you are hitting the brakes but not toot much so that with a fully loaded bike you have enough speed to get around the corners. 

We arrived in Oatman to a wonderful little town that oozes cowboy and westerns.  The main street obviously at night has been over run by burrows that have made the mark all over main street.  There was a lady sweeping the street when we arrived - it turns out that she is also the EMT, a volunteer fireman, and a part time sales clerk.  And she just loves it!  Oatman is full of life - the gift shops, restaurants and bars obviously are kept in business not only by the locals on the mountains but the tourists as well.  Each day the transform the town into the wild west where a gun shoot takes place at noon.  As we were there too early we missed all that excitement but hopefully someone on the trip was able to catch the entertainment.

Leaving Oatman we travelled further down the road where the road was still very curvy but not as many cliffs that scared me so much.  Into the desert we headed - unbelievable the heat - the dryness - the forever riding without ever reaching those mountains (hills).  And just when you think you are there you go up the mountain and down to another part of the desert.  It was so hot and dry I couldn't believe it.  Thankfully I had picked up a thermos that is attached to my handle bars this week and had it all installed and full of water for the trip as without water you would be extremely parched. 

The road signs were always pointing out that the road could be flooded!  From what - there was no water - but obviously when it rains there is no where to go and it must just lye in these so called dips on the road!  If you were to have any type of flooding and the dips I am sure would be filled up very quickly and cause bikes and cars to be swamped!  There are numerous signs as well - notifying motorists if the road was open or closed!  Interesting isn't it - what would the locals do - how would they get out or in??  I kept thinking about the people back in the 30's and 40's and wondering what was in their thoughts as they crossed what appeared to be an endless desert with mountains that you never seem to catch up to.  As the heat headed to 100 degrees I was really glad to get off the bike and have some lunch and gas the bike back up as we still had a long ride in the desert ahead of us.  We were also kept entertained with the trains as the followed us along our route by pumping our arms in the air - the sign to blow their horn - we always had big smiles on our faces when they obliged and it felt like we were all little kids again with the excitement!

Most of the California that we saw was certainly desolate and unoccupied.  If you saw any kind of civilization out in the middle of the desert - it certainly made you think - why would someone live there?  But you know I bet they would ask us the same thing - why would you live in a place that has winter and snow?  I would rather have the four seasons than just hot and hotter!

Finally after a very long day we arrived in Victorville where there was another Route 66 museum - the directors were very happy to see us and were quite taken aback when they found out I was from Canada.  Well of course I had to place a pin on the map where I was from - show them my bike and get a picture taken with these very lovely ladies that were so thrilled that I was doing this ride on my own and wish they could have done something like that at my age!  

We left Victorville with confidence knowing we were not too far away!  Well lost again on the old Route 66 and we came into Ontario California a little later than expected but all safe and sound and enough time to head over to the dealer party for supper.  Fried chicken, potato salad, buns, cookies and drinks was very much appreciated by all.  Staff were all friendly and there was a jazz bank playing up in the corner of the dealer.  

Once back at the hotel it was shower time and then head down to the bar and talk to all the rest of the bikers to see how their day went.  Wonderful and scary all at the same time were all the common comments of the group.  We commensurate over a drink about all the funny things we saw and people we have met along the way - it was great!  Tomorrow I am sure will be much of the same.  

We are heading down to the Pier to have breakfast at 6:30 am.  Crazy what you do for fellow bikers!  Then pictures at the Pier with the Motoring the Mother Road Camaro and then back to the hotel to clean and reorganize the bike for the trip home.  I do plan on stopping in to see my cousins wife, Paula to pass on my condolences.  Sean Hill, would be my fathers first cousin and I was so looking forward to visiting with him once I arrived here in California.  Sean unfortunately passed away a week and a half ago and therefore we will never make that ride around the area checking out all the highlights.  However due to this unfortunate circumstance I will now be able to head home a day or two early and I will have some company along the ride home.  A fellow biker Myles who lives in New York state is heading out on Sunday morning so I am going to ride most of the way home with him.  A safety net that will be much appreciated - not only by me but by my family as well!

I am looking forward to dipping my toes into the Pacific Ocean tomorrow morning! And my journey to California will be complete - then the long ride home - without so much fan fare but with the peddle to the metal to get back to see all who I love and miss!! 

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