Saturday, September 18, 2010

Oklahoma City - STATE FAIR!

Today was a down day.  I had my bike serviced at Harley-Davidson World (I mean where else would I go!) for the 8,000 km service.  Dropped it off at 9:15 am and didn't get it back until almost 2:00 pm.  Thankfully I had not really looked around the store last night and was able to do some browsing and tried some Harley things on while I waited.  Complimentary refreshments was much appreciated and of course the company of other Harley owners - both from our group and the dealer Chapter kept me very much occupied and the time went by fast.

This evening we went to "Earl's" for ribs and then headed to the Oklahoma State Fair.  HOG arranged for secure parking at Forest Lumber Company which was great with a security guard watching over the bikes made us all feel very safe leaving our bikes behind.  I didn't go to the Marshall Tucker Concert as I just walked around the fair and took it all in.  Went on two rides!  The gondola ride that went above the fair and I was able to have a great view from the air.  And then of course finally a roller coaster ride to finish the fair off. 

Tomorrow I am on a "Survivor Ride" with a group of eight riders and "Scoony" one of the executives of HOG.  I am sure we are in for an interesting time.  Apparently one of us gets voted off at every stop!  How long will I last - will I have any alliances along the way?

I need to repack my bike to accommodate some of my new purchases.

Today I didn't record the mileage before I came up to my room but I will be surprised if I even put on 50 km.

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