Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Albuquerque, NM to Flagstaff, AZ

Leaving Albuquerque, New Mexico we got ready for the rain!  It started raining about ½ hour outside of Albuquerque with a light mist and it continued until we passed Holbrook, Arizona. 
We stopped at the border of Arizona to take a quick picture of the Yellowhorse Trading Post but it was still raining so we didn’t even go inside or take a look around.  We stayed on Interstate 40 all day  because as we were heading west we were also climbing up and it was getting colder!  I just wanted to get to Flagstaff and into a warm dry room.  As much as I thought I didn’t like the heat – I don’t like riding in the wet and cold.
After we stopped for lunch in Holbrook, Jerry decided to take a side trip at the Joseph City turn off.  I pulled up beside him to ask him what he thought was down there but I didn’t hear his reply as he headed up the off ramp.  I continued on 40 as I was not interested in going off and on the highway trying to figure out the sometimes confusing Route 66 in the weather.  As I arrived at the hotel in Flagstaff, Bob had just arrived too.  He let me know that there was nothing down the road and they headed on 40 as well. 
Tonight Bob and I headed over to Red Lobster for supper and then back to the hotel to relax.  The wind and the rain really take a toll on you when you are on a bike and it was nice just to lay low tonight.
Tomorrow we head to Kingman, AZ for the last night on the Route and then finally into California on Friday!  I just checked the weather and tomorrow in Kingman it will be 86 degrees – yeah!

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