Monday, September 13, 2010

Chicago to Springfield, IL

Today my riding partners were Jerry from New Jersey and Bob from Albany, New York. We departed at 8:00 a.m. and headed to Joliet, IL. In Joliet there is a beautiful old theatre called the “Rialto Square Theatre”. The architecture is amazing. It would have been nice to see inside but it was closed that early in the morning. From Joliet we headed through Wilmington, Braceville, Godley, Dwight, and Odell. In Dwight there was an old gas station that has been restored.

Arriving in Odell there was also a gas station that has been restored and is presently a store front as well. The people there were very happy to have everyone stop in and check out all their items for sale. The pictures, newspaper clippings, awards and vintage equipment was a lot of fun to see.

In Pontiac they rolled out the red carpet for all of the bikers! We stopped for lunch at the “Old Log Cabin Restaurant” which is a building that dates back to 1926 and the birth of Route 66. The building has since been lifted and turned around to face Route 66 as the road was realigned in the 40’s. Food was good, service was great and the locals were very friendly. Apparently there was an article in the newspaper letting the town know that we were heading through town today! Well at the turn off there was a city employee waving us into Pontiac! Then as we approached the museum there was another city employee waving us into a special parking area just for our Harley’s. The museum was truly spectacular; set up in an old fire hall (reminded me of the Ross Museum back home). In the back of the museum they have started some murals and in particular a huge sign of Route 66 with a special area for a photo shoot. The staff was there to take our cameras and take pictures of us on our bikes. What service! The police were milling close by as well in the event that we had any questions regarding directions or any concerns about our bikes. I know the HOG group have really gone out of their way to make sure we have the best experience on Route 66 but it also takes the special people along the way that are very passionate about Route 66 to complete the package. Certainly there are many people that are very passionate about Route 66.

From Pontiac we went through Normal, Bloomington (where about 15 bikes got side tracked down a single lane road through a corn field) then off to Funks Grove, McLean, Atlanta, Lincoln, Elkhart and Williamsville. In Atlanta another giant alert of the “Bunyon Giant” along with a “Giant Hot Dog”.

We arrived in Springfield around 5:00 p.m. Another dealer party at “Hall’s Harley Davidson” where everyone was served “corn dogs and lemonade” – delicious. The Harley shop has everything you can imagine including a coin operated child’s Harley!

The day wouldn’t be complete without my thoughts going out to Alan and Delores Armstrong in memory of Kim. She is one of the reasons that I am taking life’s experiences as they opportunity is given. You never know when your life can be cut short – so everyone should enjoy life to the fullest every day! I know all of us girls – Nancy, Kathy, Denise and I miss Kim every day.

Mileage to Date: Today 337.4 km and 1985.2 km overall.

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