Saturday, September 11, 2010

Downtown Chicago

I have met some wonderful people so far.  Registration was pretty neat - received all my information and goodies, including my official ride guide, bracelet for all premium events, premium coupon book, bandanna, official Motoring the Mother Road patch and helmet stickers.  Of course at registration they had for sale HOG items and you know that you can never have enough t-shirts! 

After attending the group riding seminar a few of us decided to go downtown today as the Chicago Bears have their home opener tomorrow and will be taking over all of downtown Chicago!  It certainly helped having just been to Chicago in January I was able to be somewhat of a tour guide!  Soldier Field, Art Institute, Aquarium, Navy Pier, and Wrigley's Field.  Chicago is an amazing city - there are so many sports teams and their beautiful waterfront are absolute highlights to the city.  We ended up going through some shady areas but also ended up going on a detour along side of Chicago River which is the downtown district with all of its beautiful architecture.  It took all five of us at some point to get around Chicago and get back to the hotel.  We all took turns leading the group and we ended up back at the hotel in time for the Social Time before supper! 

Supper was awesome and the company was even better.  The HOG staff are truly amazing - all the work and effort that goes into running an event to this scale is much appreciated.  Michael and Suzanne Wallis spoke briefly tonight about their book on Route 66 and the fact that Michael is the voice of the Sheriff in the movie "Cars".  Very cool - and we all know that there is "No tractor tipping".  I look forward to tomorrows breakfast where they will entice us with more stories of old Route 66. 

Mileage to Date:  197.5 today and 1499.8 overall.

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