Friday, September 10, 2010

The Ride to Chicago.

As usual it seems when I leave for a bike trip it was spitting rain!  I was ready to go though with a big smile and a wave to my dad who came to wish me all the best and make sure I got away okay. 

The drive down Hwy 41 is awesome since the contruction is all complete.  The road is in amazing shape.  I stopped in Tweed for lunch at Tim Hortons.  I am always amazed at the people who like to ask where I am heading.  Everyone is always friendly when you have a bike - you would think it would be the opposite - but I guess I am not that intimidating.

Hwy 401 was busy to 407 and then went quick to the 403 through Hamilton to Brantford.  My hosts in Brantford were the best.  I miss my O'Donouhue friends and wish they were in Cobden! 

Today I left at about 9:00 a.m. and arrived safely in Chicago at 6:00 p.m.   I decided to cross in Sarnia and didn't have to wait to long.  Thank God as I was still in raingear and I was absolutely sweltering by the time I could stop and take my rain pants and jacket off.  Next time unless it is actually raining I will not be doing that again.  The ride on the Interstate to Chicago was uneventful for the most part.  I listened to my music and just kept it at 120.  The State Troopers that were all along the Interstate didn't seem to mind at all.  Arriving in Chicago was interesting though and a little confusing.  I stopped once to make sure I was heading in the right direction to the hotel and was quite relieved that I had not missed my turn.  Who ever says loud pipes doesn't save lives I don't believe them.  I went to change lanes and a crotch rocket came out of nowhere and passed me!  He must have been going 200 km an hour!  Holy Shit!  I not only didn't hear him or see him but I almost plucked him off.  I was still cursing a mile down the road. 

Lots of bikes have arrived at the Convention Centre in Chicago and I have met a few friendly faces.  People are from all over the states - so far I have spoken to bikers from Colorado, Florida, South Dakota, Texas, and California.  No one yet from Canada but I can't be the only crazy Canadian!  I am looking forward to meeting many more bikers (apparently there is 300 bikers signed up for the delux package and about 500 more that are going to come and go along the way! 

To date 1302.3 km and 756.3 of those were today!

My poor  bike needs some pampering in the morning.  I hope the rain stays away long enough to head downtown Chicago and see the sites. 

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