Monday, September 20, 2010

Oklahoma City, OK to Amarillo, TX

Today is Scooney Survivor Competition on our way to Amarillo, Texas.  Six guys and one Canadian woman all looking to become the first Scooney Survivor for HOG!  Leaving Oklahoma City we headed west to Fort Reno at El Reno for our first competition.  Rules were we had to start with one hand on the stone wall and run to our bikes, get our two-piece raingear – put it on and run back!  Well Peter won the first immunity challenge in less than a minute I am sure – his rain gear was not done up but he had it on!  Next came the first vote – Dana (guy) was voted off first – the poor guy didn’t even see it coming.  He had a passenger and it just didn’t seem fair that perhaps she might be able to help him out along the way!
We then headed through Bridgeport, Hydro (where we crossed the “Pony Bridge” to cross over the “South Canadian River”.  Next we headed to Lucille’s where we had our second immunity challenge.  The time we required a “challenge coin” and had to put it between our butt cheeks and walk over to a helmet and drop the coin in it.  Well I didn’t have a challenge coin so I quickly borrowed one from a friendly Harley guy in the audience watching us!  Well I didn’t make that challenge either.  Drew won the challenge after two rounds – second round was to drop the coin closest to a brick.  Bill was voted out in this round of voting.
Heading towards Weatherford and off to Clinton where we stopped at the “Oklahoma Route 66 Museum” where they were ready for us with free water, coffee, pop, wagon wheels and rice crispy squares.  Very nice – and of course we had to sign the guest book!!  No challenge here so we were able to quickly go through the gift shop and get back on the road. 

We then travelled through Foss and Canute on our way past Elk City to the “National Route 66 Museum” where our next competition was held where we had to guess the number of orange smarties in a zip lock bag of all coloured smarties.  Again Peter won this competition even though he was colour blind!  The answer was 125 and he guessed 100, I was next with a guess of 66.  This time around Sweeper was voted off!
We then headed to Sayre and got lost on our way to Erick.  I am so glad we found our way back to Erick as the best entertainment on Route 66 lives in Erick.  At the Sands Hill Curiosity Shop you will find Harley and Annabelle who sign the Route 66 theme song to everyone who will listen and pass around a bottle of whiskey so you can take a swig out of it.  The real names for these two characters are Roger Miller who sang “King of the Road” and Sheb Wooley, who was famous for “Purple People Eater”.   They are truly worth the stop!  Tips only – nothing for sale – lots of water and treats in the back room – be careful of the washrooms but without out a doubt the best place to stop! 
Leaving Erick we headed to Texola which is a total ghost town now – run down businesses – no one in the town at all!  Next was the Texas border where it was a great opportunity for the final four to take a photo opportunity.  This competition was a key toss into Scooney’s helmet and the closest toss won.  Jack won this immunity challenge and Peter was voted out!  Down to the final three!!
Leaving the border we headed through Shamrock, Lela and stopped in McLean.  The “Devil’s Rope/Old route 66 Museum” (barbed wire) was the place for the challenge to get down to the final two.  We had to balance on one leg on a beam for as long as we could.  Well I thought we were going to be there all day long – wrong – when you have been sitting on a bike and you try to stand on one leg – let me tell you – my leg shook like crazy and it wasn’t long before I was out!  Jack one back to back immunity challenges and poor Drew was voted out.  He didn’t even see it coming!  Jack and I met a week ago and planned if we were in the same Survivor Challenge that we would do “final two”!  Drew only met Jack the night before and he believed he had the final two locked up until Jack announced our alliance.  I tell you Drew is still upset! 
As we left McLean we head to get gas and a little something to drink.  We had not had any lunch at this point and we were very hungry.  We stopped at Alanreed and filled up with gas and had a little snack – of course after we signed the guest book!  I led after leaving Alanreed which a number of guys are not used to following a lady on a bike!  We headed to Groom where we came to the “Giant Cross”  I got us turned around once as it was very deceiving when you think you are right at the cross and you still have to drive further.  We were told while leaving Alanreed that we should count signs.  Scooney didn’t tell us what kind of signs we were to count so I just tried to count as we drove along anything that I thought they might ask.  Well at Conway we were asked how many speed signs and how many Interstate 40 signs we saw.  I believe the total in all was 16 speed signs (I had 18) and there were 24 Interstate 40 signs (I had 17).  I won the first out of the best two out of three challenges for the final Scooney Survivor competition. 
I led again on the way to the “Bug Farm” which is a spoof on the “Cadillac Farm” as there is Volkswagens buried in the ground just like the Cadillac farm has Cadillac’s buried.  At this site we had challenge number two of three and the pressure was on as if Jack won then we would go to a tie breaker.  The competition was to pick a balloon and blow it up until it burst!  I got off to a great start as a mother only knows from blowing up balloons at children’s birthday parties you need to stretch it out first.  So while Scooney was talking I was stretching it out!  I got ahead right away but it wasn’t long before Jack starting catching up as I was really trying to blow while giggling!  It doesn’t work very well when you do that.  Thank goodness they were doing play by play as to who was getting ahead or if Jack was catching up so let us just say – I blew the competition away!  Yes I made Canada proud and ladies as well.  The first ever Scooney Survivor goes to none other than Charlene Jackson, only lady in the competition and the only Canadian!!  Too fun!
We then let Scooney lead us from there to the dealer party in Amarillo so we wouldn’t waste any more time trying to figure out the maps as he had a GPS.  Upon arrival everyone was very excited to see that I had won and we decided to go to the “Big Texan” for a steak!  I felt grimy but oh well – we are on the road and it was well worth it.  The steak was awesome and company was great. 
Again I forgot to get the mileage but I will get it tomorrow before heading out as I am very curious as to how many km’s we put on today!
Tomorrow we are off to Albuquerque, New Mexico for a two night stay!  Thank God – these 7:30 a.m. on the road is getting crazy.  Big day tomorrow though about 350 miles.  I am loving every minute of it and can’t seem to wipe the smile off my face!

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