Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Road Home - Part 3

Leaving Glenwood Springs, Colorado was a check to the reality of fall weather setting in!  WOW was it cold this morning - very close to freezing!  Thankfully I had my cold weather bike wear handy so I could put it on to keep most of the chill away.  The Rocky Mountains were beautiful this morning.  The ride was fun - up and down hills, around corners and through tunnels.  We stopped near Vail, Colorado to get a hot drink and take a break for a few minutes to allow our bodies to unthaw! 

This afternoon as we finally reached Denver, Colorado it had warmed up considerably.  It was time to take all the extra layers off and we were back into t-shirt weather!  Yes - I am sure not very long though as we get closer north and closer to reality! 

We didn't end up travelling near as far as we had hoped but still did over 500 miles today.  Tomorrow we hope to arrive in the Chicago area which will mean it will be another 500 or so mile day!  Then we shall part ways on Thursday as I head into Canada and Miles continues east to New York state.  It certainly makes the ride more pleasurable with company at all the stops. 

Both yesterday and today we ran into some of the HOG members that travelled with us on Route 66.  Yesterday it was the butterfly lady and her husband (she has butterfly stickers on the back of her bike).  He was not feeling that well and was asleep under a tree!  Hopefully she was able to get him up and back on the bike as they had at least a couple hours of riding before civilization and a hotel!  Today we came across Peter (from my survivor day) at a gas station along route.  He had a crazy road story about how his bike was damaged by going down a terrible dirt road.  It sounds horrific and it looked even worse.  His bike was pulled in the dirt road and went over causing some of his fluids to leak all over the bike and back onto his trailer that he pulls behind.  What a mess he is going to have when he is ready to clean it all up! 

Talk about a small world - at another gas station a car with some young people pulled up with New York license plates and Miles asked where they were from - well it turns out one was from his home town and the others were from a neighbouring town!  Totally crazy how you can travel across the country and come across people you know.  I am still amazed at how often that happens.

Total mileage to date - over 8,000 km (not sure exactly forgot to check before heading to bed)!!


  1. You have been on such an amazing adventure! Glad to see that you are having an awesome time and I wish you a safe drive home.

  2. Thanks for the useful about safe driving. I keep in mind.
