Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Time to Pack

Well the time has come that I need to pack up the luggage and get ready for my big trip.  My mom did a great job on my shirt - it now fits perfect.  I have my camera, laptop, passport and I am ready to go.  Whatever I forget I can get along the way.

I left work today and still can't believe it is finally here!  One more wash and pack my clothes and I will be finished packing.  My mom and dad and my in-laws all stopped in to say good bye tonight and wish me well.  I probably won't sleep much tonight!!  I am very excited.

First stop tomorrow is at the O'Donohue residence in Brantford.  Then Friday I head to Chicago.  It will certainly be interesting to tour around Chicago on my bike in the early fall rather than walking around in the middle of winter when Nancy and I went to see Oprah!  That certainly was my inspiration and HOG came through with this awesome trip so how could I resist.

Well - here is hoping I get some sleep tonight so I can enjoy my BIG ADVENTURE!! OMG I am so excited!!!!

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