Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Road Home - Part 5

Leaving LaPorte, Indiana at 5:30 a.m. was a treat!!  Well it certainly got us on the road early enough way before the sun rose.  We stopped for breakfast just before I headed out on my own.  It was a pleasure riding with such a great guy on my trip across the states.  Four days and three time zones - almost from coast to coast!  What a whirl wind tour that was but it was great having company along the way.

I took Interstate 69 from 80 up to Hwy 12 and across to Interstate 94 to 96 and across Detroit into Canada.  Well to my surprise and amusement when I arrived at the end of the tunnel (yes I said tunnel) I totally shocked the custom agent.  She said to me "how did you get here?"  I said, "I rode my motorcycle here", thinking is this a trick question?  She said, "But how did you get in the tunnel?"  I said, "I just drove."  She was very shocked and asked again, "but how did they let you come through the tunnel as motorcycles are not allowed through the tunnel".  Of course, I started laughing thinking to myself, oh no what have I done? - am I in shit now or what?  She asked how I was able to pay to go through the tunnel. and I just indicated to her that I used my credit card as there was no one at the gate.  She was still very shocked and told me that she had been working there for 10 years and I was the first motorcycle that has ever gone through the tunnel!!  The poor lady - she had me in stitches!  Nervous giggle or completely funny - I wasn't sure which.  I just didn't want anyone unpacking all my bike and then having to put it all back together - it is hard packing a bike when I brought way too much stuff in the first place - and of course all the stuff I bought too!  Too funny - I guess I really confused her and she let me go without further ado!

I headed out of Windsor and of course had to stop in London at Rocky's just to check things out while I was going past.  I didn't see anything there but I gased up and grabbed some lunch and headed back out on the road.  I arrived in Oshawa around 4:00 and gased up again and checked out Mackay's Harley Davidson where there was a hat that I couldn't resist and a couple of things for my niece and nephew!  I had a great chat with the sales lady who definitely wants in on the next trip I go on (Sandra) and she hopes to have a bike next year. 

Leaving Oshawa was the first sign of rain all day - damn and I thought I almost made it without getting wet.  I arrived at Cindy's (my sister) at around 5:45 pm to a warm welcome from Cindy, Kole and Kira.  Kevin is away on training and will hopefully return Friday night.  I don't think Cindy realized all the stories she was in for - as I have lots to tell everyone about.  It is so hard to just keep it to one story as there are so many memories that I can't wait to share with everyone.

Well I have over 10,000 km on my bike since I left and still about 240 km to home!  I will head out in the morning and then I have an appointment at Pete's for servicing just in case the weather turns bad in the next while and I don't get out and about on the bike again for awhile.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Road Home - Part 4

This morning I was up early again and actually beat Miles down to breakfast!  I was shocked - it must be this riding the motorcycle thing - because as you know I would not be up early at all normally!  The weather was not so cool this morning; however it seemed to stay cool all day.  There was no t-shirt riding today for me. 

We left Grand Island, Nebraska this morning and arrived in LaPorte, Indiana tonight.  So we travelled through the whole state of Iowa and Illinois today with another time change!  We are one hour away from home time!  Actually the time changes just down the road about 40 miles from here.  It will be nice to get back to regular time but it is affecting me as I am losing time coming home.  I look forward to Saturday morning when I can finally sleep in!  Do you think I will be able to??

The ride was fast and boring today!  It is nothing like following Route 66 and stopping at every little town along the way!  I miss going a little slower and stopping to see all the sites.  It was truly an amazing trip!  This 75 to 80 mph is going to be hard to slow down from though as well once I get into Ontario.  The 60 mph just is not going to cut it!  I hope I don't get any speeding tickets on the way through Ontario.  Interesting there has been speed traps all over the states.  It seems I see State Troopers all over the place - but they don't see me!!  Thank goodness.  I have no idea how fast I am really going as I am just following along and hope that Miles is doing the speed limit and not leading me astray.  He is obviously doing a great job of leading the way and I really appreciate it. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Road Home - Part 3

Leaving Glenwood Springs, Colorado was a check to the reality of fall weather setting in!  WOW was it cold this morning - very close to freezing!  Thankfully I had my cold weather bike wear handy so I could put it on to keep most of the chill away.  The Rocky Mountains were beautiful this morning.  The ride was fun - up and down hills, around corners and through tunnels.  We stopped near Vail, Colorado to get a hot drink and take a break for a few minutes to allow our bodies to unthaw! 

This afternoon as we finally reached Denver, Colorado it had warmed up considerably.  It was time to take all the extra layers off and we were back into t-shirt weather!  Yes - I am sure not very long though as we get closer north and closer to reality! 

We didn't end up travelling near as far as we had hoped but still did over 500 miles today.  Tomorrow we hope to arrive in the Chicago area which will mean it will be another 500 or so mile day!  Then we shall part ways on Thursday as I head into Canada and Miles continues east to New York state.  It certainly makes the ride more pleasurable with company at all the stops. 

Both yesterday and today we ran into some of the HOG members that travelled with us on Route 66.  Yesterday it was the butterfly lady and her husband (she has butterfly stickers on the back of her bike).  He was not feeling that well and was asleep under a tree!  Hopefully she was able to get him up and back on the bike as they had at least a couple hours of riding before civilization and a hotel!  Today we came across Peter (from my survivor day) at a gas station along route.  He had a crazy road story about how his bike was damaged by going down a terrible dirt road.  It sounds horrific and it looked even worse.  His bike was pulled in the dirt road and went over causing some of his fluids to leak all over the bike and back onto his trailer that he pulls behind.  What a mess he is going to have when he is ready to clean it all up! 

Talk about a small world - at another gas station a car with some young people pulled up with New York license plates and Miles asked where they were from - well it turns out one was from his home town and the others were from a neighbouring town!  Totally crazy how you can travel across the country and come across people you know.  I am still amazed at how often that happens.

Total mileage to date - over 8,000 km (not sure exactly forgot to check before heading to bed)!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Road Home - Part 1 and 2

First off I need to apologize for not posting last night!  I arrived in Las Vegas along with my Miles who was kind enough to allow me to tag along behind him.  Miles was lucky he had a complimentary room at Ceasers Palace!  And me across the road at the Imperial Palace (let us just say I was just a little bit jealous of his accommodations!).  Oh well it is a bed and a shower - which these days is all I need - oh yes and my bike of course! 

We decided to go to the show "Legends" and it was very good.  The entertainers impersonated Elton John, Donna Summer, Faith Hill, Tim McGraw, Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley.  It was definitely entertaining and filled our early evening perfectly.  When arriving back at my hotel room - I was absolutely exhausted and went to sleep right away - well not perfectly but did not have the energy to blog.

We departed this morning at 6:00 a.m. - wow that meant I was up at five!  I know some of you just won't believe it and don't ever count on it happening unless it is to go riding!  We travelled almost 600 miles today and arrived in Glenwood Springs, Colorado.  Travelling through four states (Nevada, Arizona, Utah and finally into Colorado) and one time zone is exhausting!  And yes today my butt is sore (might be from all the walking around yesterday though as well as the riding today). 

There was a forest fire along the way that has been  burning since July!  The smoke we could see from miles away.  Once we passed the fire the glow from the sky was very weird - it gave off a reddish orange glow!  We travelled through areas called Death Valley.  Obviously there is a story behind this name "Death Valley" - I am sure that years ago you were luck to survive this area!  Desolate, desert is all I can say!  We saw a lot of rock and desert for miles.  The rock was different colors in different areas, red, white, brown, and grey!  Very interesting.  The formations were incredible.  Riding through the mountains was certainly fun - going up and down the hills, around the corners and through the mountains at times.  Just what every rider loves to do.

Any way I will sign out as we are heading out early again tomorrow as we are both anxious to get home as soon as possible.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Santa Monica Pier - END OF ROUTE 66

Leaving at 6:30 in the morning was a wise choice as taking Route 66 down to the Santa Monica Pier and the end of Route 66 took us two and a half hours!  Between traffic and traffic lights at that early in the morning I can only imagine how long it would have taken had we left later. 
As we drove through all the little towns along the way it was really interesting to see the differences between them even though they are only a couple of blocks apart.  We drove through Rialto, Fontana, Rancho Cucamonga, Upland, Claremont, La Verne, San Dimas, Glendora, Azusa, Irwindale, Duarte, Monrovia, Arcadia and Pasadena.  Arriving on Sunset Boulevard was too cool.  It is very busy with lots to see on both sides of the street – between advertising, gift shops, restaurants and banks it was a little overwhelming.  The best part of Sunset Boulevard was driving around the corners in the residential area.  The homes are unbelievable even though most of them were behind gates – but what we could see they were beautiful.  We passed the legendary Beverley Hills Hotel – too cool.  
As we came over the final crest of the hill and around the corner it was very nice to see finally the ocean and the sand.  The highway travelled along the ocean front and to the Santa Monica Pier where the final end of Route 66 completes our two week long motorcycling tour!  A number of Harley Owner Group riders were there as well and everyone was busy getting a picture of the sign that symbolizes the end of the Route.  Well I passed my camera off to get a picture of me and of course the one of the pictures I wanted did not turn out!  Unbelievable!  As well the other picture of me that I wanted was me standing in the ocean and of course that one didn’t turn out either.  When you want a picture to turn out and you only have one chance at it make sure that the picture actually took before you head off and find out later.  Oh well – I know I was there and hopefully the photographer got a picture of me at the end of the Route. 
Tomorrow I am starting my journey home! 
Mileage to Date:  6159.2 km.  WOW

Kingman, AZ to Ontario, CA

This morning I decided it was time to change riding partners.  I got up to meet the crew for 7:00 am!  Yes it is true - I had breakfast and packed the bike and was on the road meeting them at 7:00 am.  There is not too many things I would do that early in the morning but obviously biking is one of them! 

We headed out on Route 66 and it wasn't long before we were heading up the mountains!  Wow - scary and fun all at the same time!  The corners were more than 180 degrees as the wrapped back around going up and going down.  At times I was thinking that I should not have eaten breakfast!  There were no guard rails - nothing just follow the yellow painted road and stay on the road!  When you are heading up the mountain and all you see on one side is rock and straight ahead you see nothing but the yellow line curving to the left it is so scary it isn't even funny anymore.  WOW.  We stopped near the top and took pictures and I am sure my legs and arms were shaking from fear and relief to know that I had reached the top.  Now to get down!  The same thing going down but harder as the hair pin turns seem to be tighter and you have to make sure that you are hitting the brakes but not toot much so that with a fully loaded bike you have enough speed to get around the corners. 

We arrived in Oatman to a wonderful little town that oozes cowboy and westerns.  The main street obviously at night has been over run by burrows that have made the mark all over main street.  There was a lady sweeping the street when we arrived - it turns out that she is also the EMT, a volunteer fireman, and a part time sales clerk.  And she just loves it!  Oatman is full of life - the gift shops, restaurants and bars obviously are kept in business not only by the locals on the mountains but the tourists as well.  Each day the transform the town into the wild west where a gun shoot takes place at noon.  As we were there too early we missed all that excitement but hopefully someone on the trip was able to catch the entertainment.

Leaving Oatman we travelled further down the road where the road was still very curvy but not as many cliffs that scared me so much.  Into the desert we headed - unbelievable the heat - the dryness - the forever riding without ever reaching those mountains (hills).  And just when you think you are there you go up the mountain and down to another part of the desert.  It was so hot and dry I couldn't believe it.  Thankfully I had picked up a thermos that is attached to my handle bars this week and had it all installed and full of water for the trip as without water you would be extremely parched. 

The road signs were always pointing out that the road could be flooded!  From what - there was no water - but obviously when it rains there is no where to go and it must just lye in these so called dips on the road!  If you were to have any type of flooding and the dips I am sure would be filled up very quickly and cause bikes and cars to be swamped!  There are numerous signs as well - notifying motorists if the road was open or closed!  Interesting isn't it - what would the locals do - how would they get out or in??  I kept thinking about the people back in the 30's and 40's and wondering what was in their thoughts as they crossed what appeared to be an endless desert with mountains that you never seem to catch up to.  As the heat headed to 100 degrees I was really glad to get off the bike and have some lunch and gas the bike back up as we still had a long ride in the desert ahead of us.  We were also kept entertained with the trains as the followed us along our route by pumping our arms in the air - the sign to blow their horn - we always had big smiles on our faces when they obliged and it felt like we were all little kids again with the excitement!

Most of the California that we saw was certainly desolate and unoccupied.  If you saw any kind of civilization out in the middle of the desert - it certainly made you think - why would someone live there?  But you know I bet they would ask us the same thing - why would you live in a place that has winter and snow?  I would rather have the four seasons than just hot and hotter!

Finally after a very long day we arrived in Victorville where there was another Route 66 museum - the directors were very happy to see us and were quite taken aback when they found out I was from Canada.  Well of course I had to place a pin on the map where I was from - show them my bike and get a picture taken with these very lovely ladies that were so thrilled that I was doing this ride on my own and wish they could have done something like that at my age!  

We left Victorville with confidence knowing we were not too far away!  Well lost again on the old Route 66 and we came into Ontario California a little later than expected but all safe and sound and enough time to head over to the dealer party for supper.  Fried chicken, potato salad, buns, cookies and drinks was very much appreciated by all.  Staff were all friendly and there was a jazz bank playing up in the corner of the dealer.  

Once back at the hotel it was shower time and then head down to the bar and talk to all the rest of the bikers to see how their day went.  Wonderful and scary all at the same time were all the common comments of the group.  We commensurate over a drink about all the funny things we saw and people we have met along the way - it was great!  Tomorrow I am sure will be much of the same.  

We are heading down to the Pier to have breakfast at 6:30 am.  Crazy what you do for fellow bikers!  Then pictures at the Pier with the Motoring the Mother Road Camaro and then back to the hotel to clean and reorganize the bike for the trip home.  I do plan on stopping in to see my cousins wife, Paula to pass on my condolences.  Sean Hill, would be my fathers first cousin and I was so looking forward to visiting with him once I arrived here in California.  Sean unfortunately passed away a week and a half ago and therefore we will never make that ride around the area checking out all the highlights.  However due to this unfortunate circumstance I will now be able to head home a day or two early and I will have some company along the ride home.  A fellow biker Myles who lives in New York state is heading out on Sunday morning so I am going to ride most of the way home with him.  A safety net that will be much appreciated - not only by me but by my family as well!

I am looking forward to dipping my toes into the Pacific Ocean tomorrow morning! And my journey to California will be complete - then the long ride home - without so much fan fare but with the peddle to the metal to get back to see all who I love and miss!! 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Flagstaff to Kingman Arizona

This morning it was cool leaving Flagstaff.  I decided to have a day on the road by myself (well if you can call it that when there are 300 to 500 bikes coming and going) but I did travel solo today and stopped where I wanted and for how long I wanted.  It was wonderful.  First stop was at the Grand Canyon Harley Davidson dealer where I purchased a neck warmer!  Yes it was that cold.
As I travelled down the road though you could tell it was going to be a beautiful day!  By the time I reached Williams it was already warming up.  Williams is such a nice little town that it has two main streets (two one way streets) that is a must drive.  For anyone that missed driving the east bound route they truly missed a gem!  I was able to ask a fellow rider to take a picture of me on the main street and as usual they are more than willing to lend a hand.
Leaving Williams I headed back out on 40 for about 20 miles until there was another area of Route 66 that was passable.  Entering Seligman you are transformed back to the 50’s.  Every little gas station and gift shop is decked out with memorabilia from actors of the 50’s and 60’s; James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, and Elvis Presley.  The place attracting the most attention was the ice cream shop as the weather had definitely warmed up causing everyone to take layers off down to t-shirts.  The little hallway that is full of business cards, pictures, pins, patches and post cards was just a taste of what the proprietor was like – very eccentric.  He was truly priceless coming up with the craziest sayings and jokes – his door even had knobs on both the left and right side of the door with one saying push and the other pull.  I am sure he kept everyone smiling with all his antics.
Route 66 was spectacular today – the view was amazing and the people are all friendly.  I travelled through Peach Springs, Truxton, Valentine to Hackberry.  In a very small gift shop – which looks to have been a gas station at one point has a never ending photo opportunity of old cars and old signs.  I walked around and took a number of pictures while talking to all the other bikers who were just as amazed as me.
Back on 66 I arrived in Kingman with a smile on my face (surprise).  The hotel has a bike wash thankfully as my bike was a mess from the rain yesterday and the red sand that had washed onto the road from the rain that eventually ended up on not just my bike but every bike that travelled the road today!
The Mother Road Harley Davidson dealer had supper for all of us which was much appreciated.  Chicken, rice, beans and coleslaw was served with a smile.   It is hard to believe that we will be on the last two days of our journey tomorrow.  We arrive in Ontario, California tomorrow and we have arranged to have the “Motoring the Mother Road Camaro” go to the Santa Monica Pier on Saturday morning for a photo opportunity.  How sweet is that – the photographers for our trip have been driving this car along our route and taking lots of photographs that we will be able to see Saturday night at our “Survivor Party”.  Then I am on my own back home!  Not sure which way I will go – or where I will stop but it will all depend on where the nice weather is.